Privacy Policyプライバシーポリシー

Last revised: June 17, 2019

TOKYO FASHION AWARDのWebサイト(以下、「本サイト」という。)は、一般社団法人日本ファッション・ウィーク推進機構(以下、「本サイト運営者」という。)が運営しております。本サイトご利用にあたっては、以下のご利用条件をお読み頂き、同意の上ご利用ください。同意頂けない場合は、ご利用をお断りさせて頂きます。ご利用の場合は、下記の諸条件全てにご同意頂いたものとさせて頂きます。

The website of TOKYO FASHION AWARD (hereinafter, “the website”) is run by the Japan Fashion Week Organization (hereinafter, “website operator”). Please use the website upon reading and agreeing to the terms and conditions. Usage is not permitted if you do not agree to the terms and conditions. Your usage is deemed that you have agreed to the following conditions.

1. 基本的考え方

一般社団法人日本ファッション・ウィーク推進機構(以下「当機構」といいます)では、当機構が管理、運営するホームページ(※) 以下「当サイト」といいます)において提供するサービス(ご意見の受付等)を利用される皆様の個人情報を適正な手段により収集し、利用目的の範囲内で適切に取り扱います。

1. Basic Mindset

The Japan Fashion Week Organization (hereinafter referred to as, "JFW Organization”) collects personal information on visitors of the homepage operated/managed by the JFW Organization ( (*) hereinafter referred to as, the “WEB Site”) whom utilize services offered (sending of blanket e-mails and receiving of various opinions), through proper means, and handles such personal information appropriately within the scope of its intended use.

2. 収集する個人情報の範囲

(1) 当サイト上のお問い合わせフォームからご質問やご意見をいただく場合には、利用者の方の氏名、メールアドレスのご記入を必須としています。
(2) 当サイト上でアンケートを実施する際には、必要に応じ、利用者の方の氏名、メールアドレス、性別、年齢、その他所要事項について、記入をお願いすることがあります。

2. Scope of Information Collected

(1) When submitting questions/opinions using the WEB Site Inquiry form, filling in of the user’s name/e-mail address is mandatory.
4 (2) When carrying out a questionnaire upon the WEB Site, users may be asked to provide their name, e-mail address, gender, age, and other information, as necessary.

3. 利用目的

上記 2. (1)及び(2)において収集した個人情報は、お問い合わせに対する回答や確認のご連絡、今後の施策立案・資料作成のために利用します。また、特定の個人を識別することができないようにして(氏名等の公表について本人の同意を得た場合を除く)公表することがあります。

3. Intended Use

Opinions and questions collected in accordance with 2. (1) above and responses to questionnaires collected in accordance with 2. (2) will be used as reference when drafting policies and creating materials. Furthermore, e-mail addresses will be used to verify and respond to inquiries. In addition, e-mail addresses may be publicly disclosed after rendering it impossible to identify the specific user (excluding cases where it has been explicitly stated that the user’s name will be disclosed or cases where the user has given consent to disclose his/her name).

4. 利用及び提供の制限

(1) 法令に基づく場合
(2) 本人の同意があるとき、または本人に提供するとき
(3) 本人、当機構、または公衆の生命・健康・財産などの重大な利益を保護するために必要であると、当機構又は公的機関が判断した場合

4. Restrictions on Use and Provision

With the exception of the below specified cases, the JFW Organization shall not use personal information nor divulge said personal information to third parties (except for consignees of the JFW Organization) for use other than those specified as intended use.
(1) When required by law.
(2) When the user has given consent or when said information is provided to the user.
(3) When it is deemed necessary by the user themselves, the JFW Organization or public agencies in order to protect important interests of the JFW Organization or the public such as life, health or assets.

5. 個人情報の委託


5. Consigning of personal information

To carry out operations smoothly and to offer better service, the JFW Organization may consign the handling of personal information to partner companies. However, the scope of the information to be consigned will be limited to the bare minimum necessary to carry out the consigned operation.

6. 管理・安全確保の措置

(1) 当機構は、個人情報につき、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、正確かつ最新の内容に保つとともに、利用する必要がなくなったときは当該個人情報を消去するよう努めます。
(2) 当機構は、収集した情報の漏えい、滅失または毀損の防止その他収集した情報の適切な管理のために必要な措置を講じます。
(3) 当機構は、個人情報を従業員に取り扱わせ、または協力会社に個人情報の取り扱いを委託する場合には、当該従業員または当該協力会社に対する必要かつ適切な監督を行います。

6. Security Measures

(1) With regards to the personal information collected, the JFW Organization will do its best to maintain the most accurate and latest information within the scope necessary to fulfill the intended use, and delete all said personal information as soon as possible, once said use becomes no longer necessary.
(2) The JFW Organization shall implement measures required to prevent the leakage, loss or destruction of collected information and to appropriately manage collected information.
(3) When consigning the handling of said personal information to organization staff and/or partner companies, the JFW Organization shall implement necessary and appropriate supervision over said organization staff and/or partner company.

7. 自己に関する情報の開示、訂正及び利用停止


7. Disclosure, Correction or Discontinuation of Use of Personal Information/dt>

With regards to the personal information collected by the JFW Organization through the WEB Site, users may request the disclosure, correction or discontinuation of use of said personal information in accordance to stipulations in laws and regulations. Furthermore, registration of the online magazine distribution service may be cancelled at any time, if/when the registered party so desires.

8. 適用範囲


8. Scope of Application

This Privacy Policy shall only apply to the JFW Organization website.

9. その他


9. Other

The website policy may be revised when necessary. Please note that the pages of the website may be changed or deleted without notice due to structural change of the website or other circumstances.

[ お問い合せ先 ]


[ Contact ]


(*) ご利用環境


1 ブラウザについて
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11以上
Mozilla Firefox 最新
Google Chrome 最新
Safari 最新


2 JavaScriptやCSSについて

(*) Environment

The following environments are recommended for using the website.
Please note that usage in environments other than those recommended or browser setting of the customer under the recommended environment may not present the website properly.

1 Browser
Operation of the website has been confirmed in the following environments.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11 or later
Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
Latest version of Google Chrome
Latest version of Safari

Please note that the website may not be presented properly in other environments.

2 JavaScript and CSS
Some pages of the website use JavaScript and CSS for convenience. When using the website, please activate JavaScript in the browser setting and activate style sheet.

Privacy Policy for all EEA applicants/participantsEEA域内の利用者の皆様向けプライバシーポリシー

Last revised: June 17, 2019

1. 基本的考え方

一般社団法人日本ファッション・ウィーク推進機構(以下、「当機構」といいます)では、当機構が管理、運営するホームページ(※) 以下「当サイト」といいます)を使用されるEEA域内の皆様(以下「皆様」といいます)のプライバシー保護に努めています。当サイトをご利用される前に、本プライバシーポリシーを最後までよくお読みくださいますようお願いいたします。

1. Basic Mindset

The Japan Fashion Week Organization (JFW Organization, hereinafter), is constantly working towards the protection of the privacy of all EEA applicants/participants utilizing the homepage ( (※) ‘Site’, hereinafter) operated/managed by JFW Organization. Before you utilize this Site, please be sure to read this privacy policy to the end, carefully.

2. 収集する個人情報


2. Collected personal information

JFW Organization will, at times, as for the following personal information from users. Name, gender, age, address, contact number, FAX number, email address, name of organization you belong to, photographic portrait, Cookie information, etc.

3. 利用目的

TOKYO FASHION AWARD(以下「本イベント」といいます)の今後の施策立案・資料作成

3. Intended Use

JFW Organization will be utilizing your personal information for the following purposes.
To answer to inquiries and/or make confirmations
For future TOKYO FASHION AWARD OF TOKYO (‘Event’, hereinafter) planning and creation of informational material/data
For confirmation, notification of information for interviews during ‘Event’ sending of information/materials pertaining to the interview, sending of notices regarding the Event and other related events, along with receiving participation applications

4. 法的根拠

(1) 皆様による本プライバシーポリシーへの同意
(2) 契約の履行

4. Legal grounds

JFW Organization will handle your personal information based on the following legal grounds.
(1) Individual agreement of each person to this Privacy Policy
However, as for photographic portraits, we will require separate individual agreements for JFW Organization to acquire photographic portraits
(2) Fulfillment of contract
Observance of legal duties which JFW Organization must obey
Protection of the legal rights of all individuals and third parties
Performing of tasks pertaining to public interest and/or to exercise official powers given to JFW Organization

5. EEA域外への移転

日本・EEA以外の第三国(十分性認定を取得している国・地域を除く)への個人情報の移転は、標準契約条項(Standard Contractual Clauses)の締結の方法により移転します。

5. Transfer to areas outside EEA

Your personal information will be stored in Japan by JFW Organization.
If/when personal information is to be transferred to a third country (other than countries/areas acquiring sufficiency certifications) outside Japan/EEA, the transfer will be done under methods concluded in Standard Contractual Clauses.

6. セキュリティ、保存期間


6. Security, storing term

JFW Organization appropriately appoints necessary technological/organizational security measures to ensure the safety of your personal information.JFW Organization will store and own your personal information for the term necessary to accomplish “item 3. Purpose of use”, and/or the term designated by law or regulation, and promptly erase all records once use becomes unnecessary.

7. クッキー

(1) 当機構は、当サイトが正しく機能するようにクッキー(Cookie)を使用しています。
(2) クッキーは、ブラウザにより当サイト利用者のコンピュータ上に保存される情報です。当機構は、異なる目的のために、異なる種類のクッキーを使用しています。 機能性クッキー(Functional cookies):当サイトが正しく機能するために必要なクッキーであり、アカウントを作成するのに必要なクッキーも含みます。 分析クッキー(Analytical cookies):当サイト利用者が当サイト(の一部)をどのように使用されているかについての情報を得るためのクッキーです。これにより、当機構は当サイトを改善し、当サイトを、当サイト利用者にとっての関心事や重要事項にできる限り合致した内容にすることができます。当機構は、クッキーにより取得したデータを、当サイトの利用状況を分析するためにのみ使用します。
(3) 当機構は、第三者のクッキーを、当サイトの品質及び有効性を向上させる目的のためだけに使用します。
(4) ほとんどのブラウザは、クッキーを有効とする設定がデフォルトになっています。ブラウザの設定により、クッキーを無効にしたり、クッキーの送信時にそれを表示したりすることが可能です。ただし、クッキーが無効にされた場合、当機構やその他のサイト上の機能やサービスが正しく機能しない可能性があります。

7. Cookie

(1) JFW Organization utilizes Cookie for this Site to function properly.
(2) Cookie is information which is stored on the Site user’s computer browser. JFW Organization utilizes different types of Cookies for different types of purposes.Functional cookies: Cookies necessary for this Site to function properly, including Cookies necessary to create accounts.Analytical cookies: Cookies necessary to acquire information on how users utilize this Site (or part of). These allow the JFW Organization to improve the contents of this Site, in such a way to better fit the users interests and/or issues they find to be important. JFW Organization utilizes the data obtained by Cookie for utilization analysis purposes only.
(3) JFW Organization uses the Cookie of third parties, only for the purpose of improving quality and improving efficacy of this Site.
(4) Most browser are set for Cookie to be effective as the default. By resetting one’s browser, it is possible to make Cookie ineffective or to make it indicate so when sending the Cookie. However please note, if in case the Cookie is made ineffective, there is a possibility that the services offered in the site of JFW Organization and other sites will not function properly.

8. 皆様の権利



8. Your rights

You have the right to your personal information stored by JFW Organization, right to access, right to amend, right to erase (right to disregard), right to limit process, right to receive notice on the amendment/erasing/processing of your personal information, data-portability right, and right to object. You also have the right to withdraw your agreement at any time. In such case you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact the Event secretariat.


9. 本プライバシーポリシーの変更


9. Revisions of this Privacy Policy

For the latest update date of this Privacy Policy, please refer to the “Last revised” indicated at the top of this page. JFW Organization reserves the right to revise the contents of this Private Policy at any time. Revisions in the Privacy Policy become effective when the revised Private Policy becomes accessible by users. Furthermore, please note, JFW Organization will not utilize your personal information for any new use other than those indicated here without your prior agreement.

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