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Winner Interview

Interview / Aug. 03, 2018

Interview by Yuki Harada
Translation by Aiko Osaki
Photography by Yohey Goto

Masayuki Ino

2シーズンにわたって、フィレンツェの「Pitti Immagine Uomo」とパリのショールーム「」でコレクションを発表するにあたり、どのような意識で臨みましたか。

4年ほど前から海外を視野に入れ、ニューヨークで展示をしてきましたが、知名度がない僕らのようなブランドは洋服のクオリティ以前に、なかなかバイヤーの目に止まらないという問題を抱えていました。そんな中、受賞前の昨年1月にパリでshowroom.tokyoに足を運び、たくさんのバイヤーが集まっている状況を見て、自分もここで展示をしたいと強く思い、TOKYO FASHION AWARD(TFA)に応募したという経緯がありました。TFAを受賞しなければブランドを辞めるくらいの覚悟で臨んだので、勝ち取った今回の機会は次のステップに進むための大きなチャンスになると考えていました。展示にあたっては、自分たちの洋服を買い付けてほしいショップを明確にイメージし、そのショップのバイヤーに興味を持ってもらうことを念頭に置いて洋服やルックブックをつくりました。



With what kind of mind set did you face presenting your collection at Firenze’s ‘Pitti Immagine Uomo’ and ‘’ the showroom in Paris for 2 seasons.

Because I had my eye on overseas developments, I’ve been doing showing at N.Y. from four years ago, but before the quality of our clothes, unknown brands like ourselves were faced with difficulties in getting noticed from buyers. A year before winning the award, in January, I went to see the “” in Paris, and seeing all those buyers there, I strongly felt I wanted to show here too, which led to applying to the TFA (TOKYO FASHION AWARD). I faced it with a determination of closing the brand if I didn’t win the TFA, so I felt this opportunity which I won this time would be a huge chance in taking the next step forward. In doing the showroom, I envisioned a clear image of the stores I wanted my clothes to be sold at, creating clothes and look-books which would appeal to the buyers of such stores.

How was the reaction of the buyers and/or press whom came to the venue?

In the 1st season (2018 A/W), buyers from approximately 60 stores came to see my work, and I felt a sure response. It didn’t lead to too many orders at this time, but in the 2nd season (2019 S/S), many of the buyers who came to see us the first time came back to us, which gave me the impression that they were testing our stamina and stability as a brand, to decide whether or not to carry us. Also, from checking out the booths of other brands participating in “”, I noticed a strong tendency for the buyers to pick up items which clearly show the characteristics or strengths unique to that brand. Since they place weight on originality rather than price, as an unknown brand, I strongly felt we are at a time in which we need to put effort into thoroughly doing the things other brands cannot do.

Masayuki Ino



TOKYO FASHION AWARDのプログラムに参加したことは、ブランドにとってどのような経験になりましたか。


Please tell us about the triumphant return event held during Tokyo Fashion Week this past March?

I did my very best within the realm of what I can do now. There were some new business which started with this show, and I feel the level of acknowledgement of our brand in Japan and Asia has risen. Giving such opportunities to brands which have never before experienced a runway show, I think the support of the TFA is fabulous, and I’m thinking of challenging myself to do a show again, sometime soon.

What kind of experience did the brand gain from participating the TOKYO FASHION AWARD?

It became an irreplaceable opportunity for the brand, which I am truly grateful for. Although there are many showrooms in Paris, I think this is one of the rare few to which so many high-level buyers gather. Being blessed with the opportunity to exhibit and discussing business for 2 seasons at such a showroom has been such an enormous experience for us. Keeping in mind the opinions we’ve gained through this, we hope to continue achieving results the next season and beyond.

Masayuki Ino



Please tell us of your future aspirations.

A year and a half since finding out about the TFA and actually winning the award, I’ve gained confidence in that the road we’ve been following has not fluctuated so far from the goal we are aiming towards. I feel, this and now is the timing for the brand to grow, so I intend to spend the next year or so in measuring our possibilities. Furthermore, I’ve been told from the local sales team that, in order for overseas sales to surely grow, I need to make appropriate presentation opportunities in Paris, so I’d like to challenge myself in doing shows and other things, at the appropriate time.



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