Designer Profile
ROGGYKEI created by designers Hitoshi Korogi (born in Kyoto) and Keiko (born in Kobe). They worked import select shop, Street boutiques, vintage clothing store at both. They studied pattern making in Osaka Fashion Design Academy in 2004, and acquired secondary and tertiary of pattern certification.
Brand Profile
2010年 衣服の販売をスタート
2011年 大阪本町にてギャラリーショップ兼アトリエをオープン
2014年 大阪中之島にコンセプトショップ兼アトリエを移転
2015年 大阪の重要文化財 ”中央公会堂” にて初の単独ショーを開催 TOKYOEYEにてパリの合同展 "TRANOI" に初参加 L'ECLAIREURとの取引が始まる
2016年 2017SSまで継続してTRANOIに参加
They started the brand in 2006, start from Accessories and bags.
In 2010, they start to sale of clothing. In 2011, they opened an atelier and gallery shop in Honmachi Osaka.
In 2014, New concept shop and atelier moved to Nakanoshima Osaka. First participation in trade show "TRANOI" in Paris as TOKYOEYE.
It begins transactions with L'ECLAIREUR. In 2016, continues to participate until 2017SS in TRANOI.
Unisex, Men's & Women's / Ready To Wear, Bags and Accessories
ロギーケイ / 興梠 仁
ROGGYKEI / Hitoshi Korogi
大阪府大阪市福島区福島3-1-39 メリヤス会館B1
Meriyasu Bldg B1, 3-1-39 Fukushima, Fukushima-ku, Osaka 553-0003, JAPAN