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TFA2019審査会 : 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting - Comments from the juries
Interview / Oct. 02, 2018


TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

第1店舗グループ 第二婦人服商品統括部
バイヤー メンズクリエーターズ担当
宮本 智美

International Collection / Men’s Fashion Department Buyer
Tomomi Miyamoto

Tomomi Miyamoto




LOOK BOOKやイメージを作成しているデザイナーが少ないと感じました。

TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること

TOKYO FASHION AWARD出身のブランドは、PITTI UOMOのショーに招待されたり、このAWARDに参加することにより、世界のバイヤーの目にふれる機会が出来、海外での展開が増えているブランドが多いと伺っておりますので、世界に発信するきっかけがTOKYO FASHION AWARDになればよいと思っています。

Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

The points I place weight on in judging are, quality of production, clarity of what the designer wishes to convey through their products, and expressive ability.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

I felt a lack in number of designers whom create look-books and/or images.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

I’ve heard, award winning brands of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD are being invited to participate in shows of PITTI UOMO, and by participating in this AWARD, gaining opportunities to be seen by buyers from around the world, with many brands showing an increase in overseas developments, so I wish for the TOKYO FASHION AWARD to be an opportunity for Japanese brands to go out into the world and become known.

TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

株式会社阪急阪神百貨店 婦人服販売統括部
D-LAB マネージャー・バイヤー
芝崎 慶子

D-LAB Buyer / Store Manager
Keiko Shibasaki

Tomomi Miyamoto


自身のバイイングの際もそうなのですが、まずは第一印象として、ルックなどビジュアルの世界観の中に、独自性や感性に訴えてくるものがあるかどうかを大切にしています。 SNSでの情報収集が当たり前になっている中で、まずは理屈抜きで目に留まる、惹きつけられるというのは非常に重要な要素になっていると思います。



TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること

受賞されたデザイナーの方々が、海外でも大きく活躍されているのを見て、TFAの審査に参加させていただいている事を非常に光栄に思っております。 一方で、コレクションのタイミングが異なるメンズ・レディス共に審査させていただく中で、パリショールームや東京のショーのタイミングが、ブランドにとってビジネスチャンスに直結するような形で選出できるようにするにはどうすれば良いか、精査していく必要があると感じております。

Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

It’s the same when I’m buying, but as a first impression, I place importance on whether I find an individuality or feel something which appeals to my senses, in the brand’s world view expressed in their visuals, such as look-books. While the gathering of information through SNS is becoming commonplace, I think, having some aspect which catches the eye, is appealing, without any reason, is becoming an extremely important factor.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

I felt is was a line-up full of variety, from brands whom are already highly acknowledged and showing results in Japan, to young, up-and-coming brands.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

Seeing how well the award-winning designers are doing even overseas, I feel very honored to participate in TFA as a judge. On the other hand, in judging both men’s and women’s which each have collection announcements at differing timings, I feel it is necessary to carefully reexamine when would be the best scheduling for the selection process, so that the Paris showroom and/or Tokyo show could be timed to connect directly to business opportunities for brands.

TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

株式会社 三越伊勢丹
石田 修平

International Creators
Isetan Shinjuku Store Merchandising / Men’s & Sports Wear division
Men’s Sports Wear and Luxury Merchandising Department
Shuhei Ishida

Tomomi Miyamoto




若いブランドが多く、現在をリードするデザイナーとはまた違った新しい表現をされるブランドもいくつか目に留まりました。 ストリートのトレンドが強い中で、全体的にはストリートの要素が反映されたコレクションが多い印象を受けました。

TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること

本年から初めて審査員として参加させていただきましたが、パリのショールームへは2016年から伺わせていただいておりました。 このアワードをきっかけに活躍されるデザイナーも目立つようになってきました。 アワードや海外での紹介を通して、次世代の東京ファッションが着実に世界へ発信されているように感じます。

Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

I judged placing weight on the following points:
・The world view and/or individuality of the brand is expressed in their collection
・Originality of the designer
・High quality of production, such as sewing
It was interesting and was impressed by each brand’s efforts in conveying their creations, such as look-books and photographs.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

There were many young brands, and some with ways of expression which is totally different from leading designers of today, caught my eye. Because street fashion is in-trend now, as a whole, I had the impression that there were many collections which reflected street aspects.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

This was my first year to participate as a judge, but I visited the Paris showroom in 2016. Award-winning designers of this award are becoming noticeable and are come up in the world. Through this award and overseas introductions, I feel, next generation Tokyo fashion is surely being transmitted out into the world.

TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

株式会社 三越伊勢丹 婦人子供雑貨統括部
TOKYOクローゼット バイヤー
関根 千紘

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.
Ladies Fashion Accessories Division Buyer
Chihiro Sekine

Tomomi Miyamoto


ブランドらしさを強く感じるブランドに惹かれました。 このデザイナーさんだからこそ生み出せる世界観や洋服だと感じるブランドを応援したいです。


現状の商売の規模やブランドが生まれてからの年月という点でも、幅広いエントリーがありました。 どんなタイミングであっても、こういったものにチャレンジするタイミングで自身の今後の展望や発信したいことを見つめなおすことは、今後の発展のために重要だと思います。 どのブランドのエントリー資料も、興味深く拝見させていただきました。

TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること


Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

I was attracted to brands which strongly expressed themselves. I’d like to support brands whom create world views or clothing which only designers can give birth to.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

From the perspective of both present business scale and number of years since the brand was born, we had a wide variety of entries. Regardless of the timing, opportunities such as this to challenge oneself and reevaluate future aspirations and messages they wish to convey, is, I think, important for future developments. I read through each brand’s entry material with much interest.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

A realization gained only by having products seen by many buyers at overseas showrooms is quite important, so as a member of the fashion industry, I would be happy if this award will continue to provide even more opportunities to brands to be seen by buyers from around the world. And to make this an AWARD in which many brands feel a large merit in challenging, I will continue to do my best in fulfilling my role in further invigorating this AWARD.

TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

STUDIOUS メンズバイヤー
熊沢 俊哉

Toshiya Kumazawa

Tomomi Miyamoto


表層的な分かり易い表現ではなく、各ブランドの芯となる表現が、世界に進出してもブレないであろう先を選定しました。 TOKYO FASHION AWARDは、若く世界で戦える可能性のあるブランドや、既に世間で評価されているがまだ応募していないブランドが、受賞したいと思えるもの(支援内容含め)にしていければ、より大きい盛り上がりを期待出来るのではないかと思います。



TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること


Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

Rather than a superficial easily comprehensible expression, I chose brands that have a core expression which will not sway even if they advance out into the world. If we can turn the TOKYO FASHION AWARD into an award which young brands with potential to battle in the world, brands which are already acknowledged and praised but have not yet made an entry wants to win it (including support contents), I think we can look forward to invigorating it even further.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

I had the impression that many were already independent (already exhibiting overseas), so I had the feeling, do these brands really need support.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

By emitting many brands like Doublet, I’d like to play a part in laying the foreground for Japanese brands to gather an equal level of attention and results as overseas mason brands.

TFA2019審査会 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2019 Selection meeting
- Comments from the juries

STUDIOUS ウィメンズバイヤー
澤之井 頌子

Shoko Sawanoi

Tomomi Miyamoto


ブランドのアイデンティティーが明確であり、尚且つそれが買い手にとって価値あるものかどうかという視点で審査致しました。 全体的な印象としては、クリエイションと買い手に響く部分が一致しているブランドとそうでないブランドに、差があるように感じました。 また、日本のものづくりに特化しつつ、今のムードをうまく表現しているブランドが増えたという印象を受けました。


前回はメンズデザイナー中心のエントリーでしたが、今回はウィメンズブランドのエントリーもかなり増えました。 また、キャリアや日本で既に実績のあるデザイナーも多くエントリーされた印象です。

TOKYO FASHION AWARD 4年間の歩みを振り返って感じられること

TOKYO FASHION AWARD第3回に受賞されたdoubletデザイナーの井野将之さんがLVMHプライズにてグランプリを受賞されたことは、日本のデザイナーが世界で認められ、ビジネスができると証明されたということだと思います。 運営側としてはとても喜ばしい出来事の一つではないでしょうか。

Tomomi Miyamoto

What were your points in judging?

I judged under the perspective of whether the identity of the brand is clear, and furthermore, whether that holds some value for the customers. As an impression of the whole, I felt there is a difference between brands which their creations are in synch with what appeals to their customers hearts, and brands which are not. Also, I have the impression that there are more brands now which are specializing in traditional Japanese production yet expressing it well in today’s moods.

What did you think about the TFA 2019 entry designers?

Last time, entries were mainly from men’s designers, but this time, we had quite a few women’s entries also. I also had the impression that many designers whom already have a career or achievements in Japan have entered.

Looking back at the 4 years of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, what are your thoughts?

I think the fact that Mr. Masayuki Ino, designer of doublet, award-winner of the 3rd TOKYO FASHION AWARD, winning the grand prix of the LVMH Prize, is proof that Japanese designers are becoming recognized in the world, and that they can do business. From a perspective of the operation side of TOKYO FASHION AWARD, I think this is a happy occurrence.



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