Ihn Chisung
印 致聖 / イン
Winner's Interview
Interview / Dec. 23, 2020
Interview by Sonoko Mita
Translation by Aiko Osaki
Photography by Yohey Goto
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印 致聖 / イン
Winner's Interview
Interview / Dec. 23, 2020
Interview by Sonoko Mita
Translation by Aiko Osaki
Photography by Yohey Goto
今年1月のフィレンツェ「PITTI UOMO」とパリのショールーム「showroom.tokyo」への2020 A/Wコレクションの出展はいかがでしたか?
レディースはプレフォールコレクションの時期のため、メンズの展示会のPITTIでは数点だけ出し、パリの方に重きを置きました。TOKYO FASHION AWARD(以下TFA)に応募した動機にもなりますが、海外展開に力を入れたいと思っているタイミングで、またプレに挑戦する機会にもなったので良かったと思っています。メインコレクションでデザインの強いアイテムを用意していたので、プレではIHNNらしいデザイン要素を入れつつ、全体的にはシンプルなアイテムで構成したため、バイヤーからは「もう少しブランドのカラーを強く出したアイテムを見たい」とか「メインを見てからオーダーを検討したい」という声が多く、プレでたくさんのオーダーがつくことはありませんでしたが、メインにつながるような良い流れになったのではないかと思っています。
21S/Sシーズンに予定されていた2回目の「showroom.tokyo」は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、「JOOR PASSPORT」にオンラインショールームを設ける形となりましたが、こちらはいかがでしたでしょうか?
2020 A/Wコレクションをショーで発表することを意識して制作し、ランウェイの演出も考えていただけに、中止になってしまったのは残念でした。ただ、これまでショーを見ていただきたくても海外のファッション・ウィークを回っていて東京のファッション・ウィークにはなかなか足を運べなかったメディアやショップバイヤーの方々に多くお越しいただき、ショー形式というコレクションがもっとも美しく見える形でご覧いただけたことは本当に良かったなと思っています。
TOKYO FASHION AWARDのプログラムに参加したことは、ブランドにとってどのような経験になりましたか。
まずは、コロナ禍でファッション業界全体が厳しい状況の中、僕たちブランドのことを親身に考えてサポートしていただいたことに感謝しています。 僕がTFAを知ったのは2回目のTFA 2016の時で、1回目でFACETASMが受賞されていたことを知り興味を持ちましたが、当時は「Tokyo 新人デザイナーファッション大賞」<http://www.fashion-gp.com/>のサポートを受けていたので、次のステップとしてTFAに応募できたらと考えていました。そこから3年後に応募させていただきましたが、その間、IHNNとしてはキャリアを積んで服のクオリティも上がり、世界的にはレディースのプレコレクションが定着して、追い風のタイミングで受賞させていただいたことは本当に良かったと思っています。プレコレクションに挑戦できたことは、ブランドにとって大きな一歩となりました。
2021 S/Sはショーでの発表をさせていただいたものの、コレクション全体としては制作点数や露出機会などを縮小せざるを得ない状況で、実のところ不完全燃焼でした。コロナの影響がいつまで続くか分かりませんが、2021 A/W以降は展開方法を色々と考えて、これまで以上に服づくりもしっかりして、皆さんに見ていただけるようにしていきたいと思っています。ブランド立ち上げ当初はパリでショーをすることが目標でしたが、この2シーズンを経験したことで、IHNNのファンの方々に長く着ていただけるような服をこれからも作り続けていくことが目標になりました。僕の服を着て幸せになってくれる人が増えると良いですね。
How was “PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO” at Florence and exhibition at the Paris showroom, “showroom.tokyo”, in January?
Because for lady’s the term is for pre-fall collections, we exhibited only a few pieces at PITTI which is a men’s exhibition, and placed weight on the Paris showroom. This is also part of my motive to apply to the TOKYO FASHION AWARD (indicated as TFA hereinafter), but it was just at a time when I was hoping to put effort into overseas developments, plus it was a good opportunity to challenge the pre-season, so I think it was a good move. I had prepared strongly designed items for the main collection, so for the pre-season, I constructed the collection mainly with simple items while mixing in some design aspects which were characteristic of IHNN, so from buyers, we received many words such as “want to see more items strongly showing the brand colors”, or “will consider ordering after seeing the main collection”, and therefore the pre-season did not connect to many orders, but I think it was a good flow connecting into the main collection.
Due to the spread of COVID-19, the second “showroom.tokyo” scheduled to be held in July was changed to establishing an online showroom in “JOOR PASSPORT”. How do you feel about that?
There was so much I learned at the January showroom, so I was disappointed when the physical show in June got cancelled, but it was our first time to utilize the platform of an online showroom, and I think it turned out to be a good experience in contemplating methods in which to present our collection in the future. IHNN is not a brand with high-impact designs, and much is lost in translation unless people actually see and feel our materials, or see models wearing it, so I felt there are difficulties in utilizing an online showroom. But at the same time, it enabled us to connect with fairly lots of buyers and were able to receive input on what buyers are interested in, so I think we gained much from it.
The triumphant return event in Tokyo Fashion Week scheduled for March was cancelled and carried out afresh in October. With what kind of mindset did you face it?
I had created the 2020 A/W collection with the show presentation in mind, and had already planned the production, so I was truly disappointed when the show was cancelled. However, this time, being able to have our collection seen by more buyers and press who usually do not have the opportunity to come to the fashion week in Tokyo because of being too busy circling overseas fashion weeks, and being able to present the collection in a show form, which is the method in which the collection can be presented most beautifully, was truly an exceptional experience.
What kind of experience has participating in the programs of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD been for the brand?
First, I would like to express my appreciation in TFA’s sincerity and support towards our brands amid all the difficulties faced by the fashion industry as a whole, due to COVID-19. I found out about TFA at its second time in 2016. I became interested in it when I found out that FACETASM was an award-winner of the first time, but at the time, I was receiving support from the “TOKYO NEW DESIGNER FASHION GRAND PRIX” <http://www.fashion-gp.com/>, so I had hoped to apply to TFA as the next step. I applied 3 years after that, and during these 3 years, IHNN had accumulated its carrier and the quality of our clothes has risen. And during this time, lady’s collections have anchored globally, so I feel really glad and lucky to have won this award at a timing with the wind at my back. Being able to challenge myself in doing a pre-collection has been a large step forward for the brand.
Please tell us your plans for the future.
For 2021 S/S, although we were able to do a show presentation, due to the situation, as a collection, we were forced to limit the number of pieces we make, and exposure opportunities, so in truth, I feel quite frustrated and incomplete. I have no idea how long the effects of this COVID-19 pandemic will linger on, but for seasons beyond 2021 A/W, I intend to thoroughly consider methods of development, put even more effort into creating high quality items, and deliver it to everyone. When I first started the brand, my aim was to present a show at Paris, but through experiencing these past two seasons, continuing to create clothes which can be long enjoyed by IHNN fans has now become my aim. I hope, there will be more and more people who feel joy and happiness in wearing my clothes.