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TFA2022 : 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries


TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

兼 ファッションMD開発促進 バイヤー
宮本 智美

Fashion Marketing Department, Men’s Fashion Direction Division, Director And Fashion MD Development, Buyer
Tomomi Miyamoto

宮本 智美







Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

I’ve been involved continuously with TFA since its start, which I feel very honored. Since last year due to being in the midst of the corona virus pandemic, the mindset of everybody, including designers, creators, producers, customers, on how things or daily life should be is changing, so I hope to be able to consider from all sorts of standpoints.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

That which I am looking for in brands, that which moves me, are things in which creativity coexist with quality.If there is some thing or idea which they are putting effort into in this sustainable society of recent years, I would be interested in hearing about it.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

This is from a viewpoint of atmospheric problems, but although I am a serious meat eater, I am presently stuck on find tasty soy-meat.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

阪急うめだ本店 モードファッション販売部
D-LAB バイヤー
山外 拓海

Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores, Inc.
Hankyu Umeda Main Store,
Mode Fashion Sales Department, D-LAB Buyer
Takumi Yamasoto








Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

Although the industry is presently filled with sad news, I feel happy to have this opportunity to participate in such a project in which I can come in touch directly with and spotlight the energetic parts of fashion. I look forward to having fun and judge along with the other judges.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

A balance between irreplaceable originality and sense of the time. In addition to this, recently I think the method in showing/creating an image of the things the designer or brand is interested in, things that will lead to an attachment, is also extremely important.While an enormous amount of things are being born and consumed, due to this long continuing state of distress, customer’s standard for buying has become even more severe. It’s difficult, but these are times in which run-of-the-mill things are weeded out easily. I feel, original creativity and clear messages increases a sense of existence, creates value, and a strength to be loved for years to come.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

It’s Kyoto. When people here the word “Kyoto”, I think they have an old image of “good old”, but recently, facilities such as the Ace Hotel and Sequence launched for the first time in Japan for the first time, bolding weaving in newness, is being born also. There exists local industry in which a new modern sense and aspects of visiting the old, learning the new coexist, along with a strong individuality. I’m once again turning my attention to Kyoto with such deep attractions and have started buying products.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

新宿紳士営業部 ブランドショップ担当クロージング スーパーバイザー
石田 修平

Isetan Shinjuku Store Men’s Wear Division
Clothing & Accessories Merchandising GroupⅡ
Shuhei Ishida

石田 修平







Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

The flourishing of brands after winning this award is beginning to stand out. I will be facing it, under the thought that, through judging and work, I will be playing a part in Japanese fashion brands flying out into the world and flourishing furthermore.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

Based on quality and height of skill, I place weight on the individuality of the brand. Furthermore, I intend to look at the branding of their individuality, its expressionism along with how it is transmitted, to judge in totality.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

I’m paying attention to the global rise in interest towards the atmosphere, and the various efforts being made. I think the fashion industry too must learn to resolve its various atmospheric problems surrounding it, such as mass disposal, while enjoying fashion, and made that the standard. There are already many values of sustainability coming out, but I’m looking forward seeing the various ideas to come out in the future!

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

TOKYOクローゼット バイヤー
﨑谷 由衣

Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.
Isetan Shinjuku Store, Cross MD, TOKYO Closet, Buyer
Yui Sakiya

﨑谷 由衣


今回初めて参加させていただきますが、 このような貴重な経験の中で自分も勉強させていただきながら素敵なブランドに巡り合えることを楽しみにしています。


世界観の中にしっかりとそのブランドの軸や作り手のストーリー・想いが表現されているか、そしてそこに共感できるか、をポイントに見させていただきたいです。 情報社会の中でも埋もれない、「このブランドしか出せない魅力」を表現しているブランドを見つけていきたいです。



Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

I’m participating for the first time. Through this valuable experience, I’m looking forward to learning myself, and encountering fabulous brands.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

The points I will be looking at are, whether the brand’s central pillar or the creator’s story, their passion is expressed firmly within their worldview, and whether people can sympathize with it. I hope to find brands expressing an “attraction belonging only to this brand”, which will not be buried in this information society.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

I’m going around antique warehouses, recycle shops in search of interior goods and furniture, paying attention to vintage things.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

株式会社株式会社TOKYO BASE
TOKYO BASE メンズバイヤー
中根 大樹

TOKYO BASE Men’s Buyer
Daiki Nakane

中根 大樹


自分達のファッションビジネスで世界で本気で戦いたいブランド様を求めています。 決して上からではなく、私自身勉強させてもらいたいと思っています!


現在のブランドとしての完成度はもちろんですが、 進化、成長のベクトルの角度を重視して審査したいと思っております。


最近は丸の内や銀座、六本木の買い物をしている方々に注目しています。 業界の言う大人なファッションではなく、リアルなエンドユーザーにしっかりと目を向け自分の目で見た情報を集めています。

Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

I’m looking for brands which are serious about battling the world with their fashion business. Although I am judging, rather than looking down from above, I intend to study and learn myself!

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

The present level of integrity as a brand of course, but I will be judging also placing weight on the brands angle of vector for evolution and growth.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

Recently, I’m paying attention to people shopping at Marunouchi, Ginza, Roppongi. Rather than confirming to the mature fashion spoken of in the industry, I like to firmly turn my eyes to real end-users, collecting information from what I see with my own eyes.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

株式会社株式会社TOKYO BASE
TOKYO BASE ウィメンズバイヤー
澤之井 頌子

TOKYO BASE Women’s Buyer
Shoko Sawanoi

澤之井 頌子


昨年は未曽有の自体、TFAの開催も中止となり、TOKYO BRANDの海外進出のチャンスが延期となりました。また、この一年はファッションのあり方を多方面から考えさせられ、業界が世の中により良い影響を与えるための変化に向けて、 進歩する年だったと感じております。ブランドも独自のクリエイティビティをデザイン/生産背景/消費者への届け方など、あらゆる方向から試行錯誤しなければなかったと思います。今回の審査では、あらゆる観点からブランドの独創性を見させていただき、海外進出のお手伝いができればと思っています。




ブランドのアーカイブ作品高田賢三さんの大胆なテキスタイルやプレイフルな色使い、独創性のあるレイヤードスタイルは、この後ろ向きなムードを華やかにして、ファッションを楽しむ心を取り戻してくれる作品。 また、ビジネスとしてもアーカイブは注目しています。その当時最先端であったものが今、消費者にとっては丁度いい、あの時欲しかったけど手に入らなかったなどといった事象が多々あります。

Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

With TFA being cancelled and the chance for TOKYO BRANDS to advance overseas being postponed, last year was an all-time difficult year. Furthermore, it was a year that made people contemplate the ideal way of fashion from various directions, and I feel it was a year advancing towards the industry changing to become one which is able to give positive influences on society. I think brands too needed to repeat trial and error from all thinkable directions in their creativity, including designs/production background/method of delivery to customers. This time in judging, I will be looking at brands’ creativity from all directions, in hope to help them in their efforts in overseas advancement.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

Whether the brand has originality, plus their ability to sublimate and express a feel of the time.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

Archive works of brands. The bold textiles, playful use of colors, unique layered style of Mr. Kenzo Takada, are such that brightens the negative mood of today, recuperating the heart to enjoy fashion again. I’m also paying attention to archives from a business aspect. I’m seeing many phenomena in which those styles that were cutting edge once become just right for the consumers of today, people looking for things they wanted back then but couldn’t get.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

UA本部 メンズ商品部 MD・仕入課
増田 晋作

UA Headquarter, Men’s Department, MD/Buying Division
UNITED ARROWS & SONS, Director/Buyer
Shinsaku Masuda

増田 晋作


このような時代でも前向きにクリエイションを続けるブランドのお手伝いができるのを光栄に思います。 これまでに世界中の大小さまざまなブランドの洋服を見てきましたが、まだまだ出会えていない才能と対面できるのをとても楽しみにしています。


ファッションを通じて、自分のブランドを通じて、他者とどのようにコミュニケーションを取っていきたいのか。 伝えたいメッセージの明確さと、モノづくりのみではなく、作ったあとの世の中との関りをどのようにしたいのかなど深く知れたらと思っています。


・モスクワのグラフィティアーティスト集団 <A.D.E.D>
・フランスの雑誌Letiquete Magazine
・「覚王山フルーツ大福 弁才天」のフルーツ大福

Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

I feel honored that I can help support brands facing forward, doing their best to continue creating, despite such difficult times. Up to now, I’ve seen all sorts of brands from around the world, large and small, but I am looking forward to encountering never seen before talents.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

How one wishes to communicate to others, through fashion, through their own brand. Not just a clarity of the message they wish to convey, or production only, I wish to know deeply on how they wish to affect society after their product has been made.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

・Vintage shops of Sangenjaya and Yutenji, that open only at night
・Tendencies/news around the world of eSports
・ <A.D.E.D> a group of graphic artists of Moscow
・The French magazine, Letiquete Magazine
・Fruit daifukus of “Kakuozan Fruit Daifuku, Benzaiten”
・Alessandro Michele

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries

UA本部 ウィメンズ商品部
浅子 智美

UA Headquarters, Women’s Department,
MD/Buying Division, UNITED ARROWS Buyer
Tomomi Asako

浅子 智美


大きな世の中の変化の中、ファッション業界においても大きな転換期を迎えています。 既存の枠にとらわれない、新しいクリエイションに出会えること、また私自身が刺激をいただけることがとても楽しみです。




コロナ禍で、たくさんの人に会えなかったり、出かけられない状況が続いており、本をたくさん読むようになりました。 以前から著書を読んでいた、佐久間裕美子さんの新刊は読みごたえがありました。インスタライブなども勉強になり、注目しています。 オンラインオーダーなども増えデスクワークが増えているので、時間があれば、緑豊かな公園で散歩やランニングをしています。 季節の変化を感じ、インスピレーションを得る時間にしています。

Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

While the world is undergoing great change, the fashion industry too is facing a time of grave transition. I am very much looking forward to meeting new creations not limited to conventional framework, and to be stimulated myself.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

For promising brands, not only is the integrity of their collection important, but moreover, I feel it is important that their creation has something to it that resonates emotionally, and that they have aspects or pose expressive of the brand’s identity, of what they wish to suggest through fashion.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

Due to being amidst the corona virus pandemic, a situation in which I am unable to see many people, unable to go out is continuing, so I’ve become to read many books. The latest publication by Ms. Yumiko Sakuma, whom I’ve been reading from before, was worthwhile reading. Instalive is educational too, and I’ve been paying attention to it. Both online ordering and deskwork is increasing, so whenever I find time, I take a walk or jog at parks full of greenery. I use it for a time to feel changes in the season and gain inspiration.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries


Creative Director Nickelson Wooster

Nickelson Wooster


今回もTOKYO FASHION AWARDの審査員の一員になれることを非常に嬉しく光栄に思います。新進気鋭の才能あるデザイナーの方に本アワードはとても記念すべき重要機会だと思います、私としても本アワードから旅立ったブランドやデザイナーが世界で成長し活躍ていくのを見るのはとても満足感があります。今回も今まで輩出した才能あるデザイナー達に次ぐ新たな才能を見つけれるよう審査していきます。





Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

I am very excited to be part of the jury of Tokyo Fashion Award. I believe the opportunity is so monumental for emerging talent, and it is so satisfying to watch brands and designers grow in the global marketplace.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

The number one question I ask is “will this brand thrive in the international market. There is a special alchemy of creativity and market savvy necessary to compete and thrive.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

I have been dreaming about using my passport to visit friends and colleagues around the world. This has been the most urgent desire. I miss Tokyo, Paris, London and Milan (each for different reasons) but mostly for the friends I have in each fashion city. I believe that the excitement in the next two seasons will be unmatched. I can’t wait to see stores and try new restaurants.

TFA2022 - 審査員コメント

TFA 2022 - Comments from the juries


“JUST AN IDEA” Founder Sarah Andelman

Sarah Andelman


新しい才能を発見することは、いつもエキサイティングで刺激的です。TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2022で新しいデザイナーの皆さまに会えることを楽しみにしています。




本の出版を始めましたが、凄く私の興味を反映しています。Sho Shibuya, Nicole McLaughlin, Louis-Géraud Castorの作品が好きです。

Please tell us your fervor has a TFA judge.

It’s always exciting and inspiring to discover new talents so I'm loooking forward to meet new designer on TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2022.

Please tell us what you are looking for in brands of TFA2022, points you are placing importance on in judging.

I’m looking for surprises, for something I’ve never seen and which will be relevant with our times, and of course always with a good production quality and wearability.

Please tell us the people or place, things, subjects you are turning your attention to lately.

I’ve started publishing books and they reflect my interests: I love the work of Sho Shibuya, Nicole McLaughlin, Louis-Géraud Castor…



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