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Viviano Sue


ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue

Winner's Interview

Interview / Nov. 28, 2023

ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue

2015年にヴィヴィアーノスー氏がスタートした「VIVIANO」をご存知だろうか。TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2023の受賞を機に知名度も上がり、今後国内外でさらなる飛躍が期待されるブランドだ。 華やかでファッションのワクワクが詰まったコレクションは、一度目にして、袖を通すと、強烈なインパクトと共に人々の記憶に残る。圧倒的なクリエイションとその背景にある想いについて、デザイナーへ話を伺った。


VIVIANOは毎シーズン5体のドレスからなるクチュールラインとレディトゥウェアラインを展開しています。クチュールラインは売る想定を持たずメディアへ提供やセレブリティの着用などが用途となるのですが、とにかく表現したいクリエイションを凝縮した5体です。そこから派生したラインとしてレディトゥウェアを100型程度製作しています。毎回かなり多くのスケッチを描いてコレクションに絞っていきます。 コレクションの製作はテーマを決め、リサーチをしてデザイン画を描いて、生地をあてはめるという流れでこれまでやってきましたが、24AWでは新しい試みとして、まずデザイン画から始めてみようかなと思っています。常に新しい挑戦を続けていきたいですね。

ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue




今は国内のみで20程度のアカウント、約30店舗でお取り扱いいただいています。おかげさまで店舗数もそれぞれの買付金額も増えており、順調に伸びている段階です。海外は今回のTOKYO FASHION AWARDの支援で初めてパリに出展したタイミングなので、これからアジア圏をメインに少しずつ拡げていけたらと考えています。

ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue





ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue









Interview by Tomoko Kawasaki
Photography by Daichi Saito

Do you know the brand “VIVIANO”, started by Mr. Viviano Sue in 2015? It is a brand whose level of recognition has risen, from becoming an award-winning brand of TOYO FASHION AWARD 2023, with both national and international expectations to continue making great strides here forth.Their glorious collections filled with thrills of fashion, becomes engraved in peoples’ memories with a powerful impact, once one sees it, and is worn. We spoke to their designer on their overwhelming creations, and the thoughts behind it.

Please tell us what you are particular about as a brand.

Every season, VIVIANO develops a couture line of 5 dresses, along with a ready-to-wear line. The couture line is not created under the premise of being sold. They are created to be offered to the media or to be worn by celebrities, but they are 5 pieces in which I pour in and concentrate all my creativity into. As a line deriving from these 5 pieces, I produce a ready-to-wear line of 100 styles or so. Every season, I draw enormous numbers of sketches, which is then narrowed down into a collection. In producing a collection, up to now, I have followed the flow of deciding on a theme, then researching and drawing design sketches, and then choosing textiles, but in 24AW, I’m thinking of taking a new approach of starting from drawing design sketches. I wish to constantly continue challenging new things.

What is it that VIVIANO holds dear in its creations of fashion?

In the case of VIVIANO, we make only that which we like. Because I am a rather clumsy person, I could never create sellable products based on marketing, so we have never done that. People may have the impression that we are a special brand, but we are especially particular about choosing textiles in order to deliver a taste of extraordinary in daily life. Tulle is a textile representative of the brand, but we make it washable, along with combining it with other designs and/or textiles, such as sweats, jackets, pants, etc. so they can be worn, not only in dress scenes, but also in daily life. The number of people who wear the clothes of our brand has increased as a result of placing our wish to deliver that which we like, rather than producing a MD conscious of business.

Please tell us your present business situation.

Presently our business is domestic only, with approximately 20 accounts, approximately 30 shops carrying our items. Thankfully, both the number of shops carrying out items, and purchase amount of each shop is increasing, showing we are at a stage of steady growth. As for overseas, we are at the timing of having exhibited at Paris for the first time through the support of the TOKYO FASHION AWARD, so we hope to gradually expand business, mainly through Asian regions.

ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue

How was the response at the Paris showroom?

Because we do not have an overseas sales representative yet, although we had many people look at our products, business is yet to come. Our designs our different, so we realize it may take time to be accepted in overseas markets. But we have overseas celebrities wearing our products, and an increase in exposure in overseas media, so we are anticipating to surely and steadily tackle this topic as a brand. 

What prompted you to apply to the TOKYO FASHION AWARD?

We were at a timing at which our number of accounts were starting to increase, so including a sense of changing our stage, we talked about applying with the team, and decided on applying as our virtually first challenge in a competition.

What kind of experience has this post-award year been for the brand?

After being awarded, we received congratulations from all directions, along with a huge rise in brand recognition due to effects of presenting a show, so we have seen grave changes in the brand. We are beginning to see people wearing VIVIANO clothing all other town and are receiving so much more inquiries regarding our products. This year, our sales has multiplied, and we feel we have been so busy, working and working non-stop all year round (laugh). Also, it was important for us that we gained fellow soldiers of the same generation who we feel we absolutely don’t want to lose to!

Please tell us about your prospects for the brand.

We would like to challenge overseas, centered around Asian regions, as a Japanese brand. Creation wise also, we intend to keep doing new things aggressively, and continue simply delivering things that we think are cute to our customers. And some day, we hope to present a show at Paris.

ヴィヴィアーノ スー / Viviano Sue

Is there anything you would like to challenge in the future, as a designer?

Our shoes line which we launched in 23AW is being received extremely well, so it would be interesting challenge doing a collaboration with shoes brands, such as sneakers. We also intend to undertake leather items. This isn’t part of the company’s strategy, but personally, I am interested in trying out my hand in creating a variety of things, such as perfume, cosmetics, interior, etc.

To people considering applying to the TOKYO FASHION AWARD

Above all, I think it is important to prepare well. To progress with the opportunity of winning the award, it is important to have a sure foundation as a brand, such as preparing for a show, preparation of production backgrounds in case you see an increase in orders, etc.



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