TFA 2024 : 審査員コメント
TFA 2024 - Comments from the judges
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TFA 2024 : 審査員コメント
TFA 2024 - Comments from the judges
宮本 智美
Fashion Marketing Department, Men’s Fashion Direction Division, Director And Fashion MD Development, Buyer
Tomomi Miyamoto
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
I have been asked to be TFA judge since 2015, and I feel I’ve been blessed with an important role in generating Japanese fashion to overseas. I will do my best in supporting the generation of a Japanese brand, which conveys the fabulousness of Japanese fashion and production to the world.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
In judging, I particularly look at product quality, creativity, and expressiveness in totality. In addition, I hope to see efforts towards environmental consideration in production.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
My most recent take notice items are recovery wear created thanks to technological advances of recent years, including those certified as medical device.Items that allow people to recover just by wearing it or sleeping in it after a busy day or day of sports, is not only extremely reasonable, but also makes people healthy, and I recommend it so much, I wish I could introduce it on the floor I am in charge of.
HANKYU.MODE バイイングディレクター
山外 拓海
Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores, Inc.
HANKYU.MODE Men's /Lady's Buying Director
Takumi Yamasoto
パンデミックが落ち着き始め、久しぶりに海外に出ると日本の多様なカルチャーから生まれるクリエイションと、世界から認められるクオリティの高い地場産業が織りなすJAPAN BRANDの良さを改めて感じることができました。こういった才能溢れるブランド様が世界を目指し活躍されていく過程で、1つのサポートとなり得る本取組に参加させていただくことを嬉しく思います。他の審査員の方々と共に楽しみながら吟味したいと思います。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
Now that the pandemic is beginning to subside, I have resumed travelling overseas, which has given me the opportunity to rediscover the wonderfulness of creations born from Japan’s multi-cultural nature, and the fabulousness of the JAPAN BRAND, created by high quality local industries, and acknowledged globally. I am incredibly happy and proud to be a part of a project such as this which supports such talented Japanese brands in their efforts in aiming for the world. I intend to enjoy examining applicants closely with my fellow judges.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
An originality that is irreplaceable, and a balance with a sense of time. In addition, recently I feel, showmanship which creates interest and/or attachment, and the creation of an image is equally important. In this time and age of mass consumption, the buying criteria of customers have become even more severe through this long time of endearment. I realize it is difficult, but these are times in which common, run-of-the-mill things are weeded out easily. I think, unique creativity and clear message raises the brand’s sense of existence, thereby creating value, which turns into strength that is loved for years to come.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
That would be music. You may think, now? I’m ashamed to say, I was inclined to listen only to certain genres of music, but ever since I became responsible for creating the shops’ BGM, with the aim to raise my deviation value in music, I began to gipsy a playlist of all sorts of music, regardless of new or old, domestic or international, and at shops with a nice mood, I raise my antenna high with shazam in one hand. The music itself is educational, of course, but when I turn my eyes to the jacket artwork or MVs, I find there are aspects to polish up my senses everywhere, and I am learning so much.
國友 崇裕
Men’s Contemporary
Div. Merchandising Group 2
Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd.
Takahiro Kunitomo
今年から審査員をさせていただきます。 入社以来、少しでも日本ファッション業界へ貢献出来ればと考えて活動してきました。今回ご縁があり、このような機会をいただき非常に感謝しております。今までも多数のブランドと触れ合う場がございましたが、不透明な時代だからこそワクワクするような高揚感や新しい発見や刺激をいただける機会を楽しみにしております。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
I will be judging for the first time, starting from this year. Since I first started working at this company, my actions have always been based on my wish to contribute to the fashion industry in some way, no matter how minute. So, I am extremely thankful for being given this opportunity this time. Up to now, I have had many opportunities to come in touch with many brands, but because these are such unclear times, I’m looking forward to being given an opportunity to feel an elation of excitement, encounter new discoveries or stimulations.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
I intend to examine how the brand’s originality is being expressed while valuing basics such as quality and/or skill.Furthermore, I am also interested in examining things like what kind of end-users the brand hopes to deliver to, their intentions in future branding, directionality, etc. to judge in totality.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
As I reexamine the importance of existence of real stores as part of my job, I have come to realize the importance of experience value such as coincidental encounters or discoveries, so I am searching for coincidental encounters through touring vintage stores (in Tokyo), which I used to enjoy in the past.
TOKYOクローゼット バイヤー
﨑谷 由衣
Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.
Isetan Shinjuku Store, Cross MD, TOKYO Closet, Buyer
Yui Sakiya
今年で3回目の参加になりますが、毎回新しい発見や気づき、勉強になることばかりです。 今回も素敵なブランドにめぐり逢えることを楽しみにしています。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
This will be my third time to participate, but I find there are new discoveries, new realizations, things I learn, every time.I am looking forward to encountering fabulous brands again, this time.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
Today, in a time overflowing with objects and information, I feel, many people are in search of things that are truly essential to themselves.As points in judging, I will be looking for how the strong emotions of the creator or story behind the brand is being expressed in the creations, and how moved I am by those.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
Recently, I am feeling the importance of enjoying life healthily, so I am studying oriental medicine, bit-by-bit, on my own. There are many aspects that can be easily incorporated into daily life, such as eating habits or exercise, so I strongly recommend it!
THE TOKYO メンズバイヤー
中根 大樹
Daiki Nakane
審査員として選んでもらい、仕事をお受けしてから今回で3年目となりました。 そろそろこのお仕事に慣れてきてしまっているなと危機感を感じております・・・。 初めて審査に臨んだときのような、新卒社員のような、そんな気持ちで丁寧かつ大胆に審査に臨む所存でございます。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
This is the 3rd year since being asked to be a judge and accepting its responsibilities as such. Recently, I feel a sense of crisis that I am beginning to get too used to this job… I intend to face the judging of this time, reminding myself of how I faced it the first time, boldly yet thoughtfully, with a fresh feeling like a newly graduated employee.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
Of course, it must be salable. “Does this brand surely express their identity?” “How is their sense in editing and embodying information, such as trends?” “MD balance”
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
Recently, when analyzing, I am making it a point in dividing fashion “sensitivity” from fashion “deviation value”. I am especially passionate in studying the stylings of people in their 30’s ~ 50’s walking down the street.
THE TOKYO ウィメンズバイヤー
澤之井 頌子
TOKYO BASE Women’s Buyer
Shoko Sawanoi
TFAの審査をさせていただくのも、今回で5回目となり、毎回ブランド・デザイナーとバイイングと違った形で向き合い、出会えることが楽しみとなっています。 前向きなニュースが世界的にも多くなってきている中で、日本のブランドが世界で活躍できる第一歩としてお手伝いさせていただきたく思っております。
クリエイティビティ・ブランディングの可能性を見たいとおもっています。 独自性のあるクリエイションやモノづくりが重要なのは勿論ですが、それをどのような手段で世の中に発信するか、消費者に届けるかまでの創造を求められる時代へと変化しています。 NFTをはじめ、ファッション業界としても様々な形でビジネスを展開できる中で、 自身のブランドの立ち位置を理解し、どう売っていきたいか明確であることが重要と考えています。
遅ばせながら、韓国のアイドルたちにはまっています。歌ももちろんですが、彼ら、彼女らの影響力が非常に強く、世界的にファッション業界と密接にかかわり、経済効果も非常に高いことがすごく興味深いです。 BLACKPINK、New Jean、IVE、XGが好きです。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
This will be my fifth time to be the judge of TFA, and every time, I look forward to encountering brands/designers in a form different from when I am buying. As positive news seems to be increasing all over the world, it is my wish to play a part in Japanese brands flourishing and becoming active globally.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
I am hoping to see possibilities in their creativity and branding. Needless to say, originality in creation and production is important, but times are transitioning into an era in which creativity in measures in how to transmit this out to the world, in how it is delivered to consumers is being demanded. In the fashion business today, business can be developed in various forms and styles, beginning with NFT, so I feel it is important to understand the positioning of ones’ own brand, and have a clear vision of how they wish to sell.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
Although belatedly, I am presently hooked on Korean idols. Both male and female idols. I love their songs of course, but I find it extremely interesting how they have such strong influences, are intimately related to the fashion industry globally, and bring about such high economic effects. Namely, I like BLACKPINK, New Jean, IVE, XG.
増田 晋作
Shinsaku Masuda
最近、ドイツのネオクラシックのピアニスト、Sabr Alptekinさんに注目しています。また、場所に関しては日本橋兜町界隈のコミュニティが面白いと思っていて、40を迎える歳になり、改めて「本当に自分が良いと思うものだけを賞賛したい」と思っています。みんなが良いというものにも興味がありますが、それよりも自分が好きだというものに改めて集中したいです。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
This will be my third time to be a judge. All the brands that have been selected up to now have each displayed their individuality to the world, and expanding their field to activities. Every time, I feel a responsibility towards selecting from the many applicants, but at the same time I enjoy it every time, so I hope I can face judging with the same mindset again, this time.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
What is it about the brand that is appealing? Does the brand have a strong enough individuality that they can battle on a global stage? While going back and forth pondering over such questions, I hope to attain the answer, not by words, but felt through the creations, such as the clothes themselves, lookbooks, etc.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
Recently, I am paying attention to the German neo-classic pianist, Mr. Sabr Alptekin. Also, as for places, I am interested in the community around Nihonbashi-Kabuto-cho, and as I reach the age of 40, I am once again feeling, “I wish to praise only those things I think are worthy”. I am interested in those things the public likes also, but I prefer to once again concentrate on those things that I like.
副部長 ブランドディレクター
浅子 智美
Deputy Department Manager / Brand Director
Woman’s Merchandising Div.
United Arrows Dept
Tomomi Asako
過去の審査では、たくさんの将来性のあるブランドとコミュニケーションをとらせていただく中で、日本のファッションの可能性をとても感じました。 日本から世界へと活躍の場を広げていくTFAブランドの選出は、自身責任も感じていますし、全力で臨んでまいります
「ブランドらしさ」があるかどうかが大切だと思います。国内外の展示会で数多くのブランドをみるなかで、手を止めるブランドは、そのブランドだけの何かを感じるブランドです。その何かは、様々です。 客観的なバイヤー目線で、響くかどうかを重視していきたいと思います。
またヨーロッパを中心に海外出張が再開しました。 コロナ以降、変わらないものもあれば変わったなあと思うこともありました。 その中でもアートのすばらしさに変わらず感動しました。コペンハーゲンのLouisiana Museumはとても素晴らしい場所でした。
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
In past judgements, through communicating with numerous promising brands, I have strongly felt the potential of Japanese fashion. I feel a responsibility towards selecting a TFA brand that will most likely broaden its scope of activities from Japan to overseas, so I face it with all my might.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
I think it is important for the brand to have an “unique identity”. When I visit national and international exhibits, and see numerous brands, it is those brands that make me feel a something all their own that makes me stop and look. The something varies for each brand, but I intend to place importance on whether a brand has something that resonates, from an objective buyer’s perspective.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
Overseas business trips, centering around Europe has resumed. There are both things I feel that have changed, and things I feel have not changed, since corona. Among which, one thing that is unchanged is how I have been moved by the fabulousness of art. The Louisiana Museum of Copenhagen was an extremely fabulous place.
Creative Director
Nickelson Wooster
Please tell us your fervor towards being a TFA judge.
I love Japan and the energy that comes from This very special country. It’s an honor to be able to work closely with some of the most creative designers and brands and help to develop them for international markets.
Is there anything in particular that you are looking for in TFA 2024 brands, or aspects you especially place importance on in judging?
What I look for is a clear brand vision. This is the most important. The website and Instagram feeds are the first places to see if there is a clear brand vision that is being broadcast. If that is not in place—it might take a brand another year or two to be ready for the world stage.
If there is any person, place, thing, item or trend you are recently keeping your eye on, please tell us.
There has been, in my opinion, a return to a quieter type of luxury. This means less reliance on logos and bright colors. It also means that fabrics and final clothes are going to be much more desirable in the long run. I also want to see things that I haven’t seen anywhere else. This is harder and harder for brands to accomplish—but when you see it and find it—it’s so much more rewarding.