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Winner Interview

Interview / Aug. 03, 2018

Interview by Yuki Harada
Translation by Aiko Osaki
Photography by Yohey Goto

Masayuki Ino

髙木 佑基 / Yuki Takagi (L)、伊藤 壮一郎 / Soichiro Ito (R)

2シーズンにわたって、フィレンツェの「Pitti Immagine Uomo」とパリのショールーム「」でコレクションを発表するにあたり、どのような意識で臨みましたか。

これまでもパリでは発表していましたが、今回TOKYO FASHION AWARDに応募した動機のひとつとして、ブランドが新しい体制に変わったことを対外的に発信したいという思いがありました。ブランドを長く続けていると、自分たちのやり方が固定されてしまうところがあるので、今回のショールームに関しては、一度それらを取り払ってフレッシュな気持ちで臨みたいと思っていました。これまでとは違う場所でチャレンジをすることで、新しいつながりも生まれるのではないかという期待もありました。



With what kind of mind set did you face announcing your collection at Firenze’s ‘Pitti Immagine Uomo’ and ‘’ the showroom in Paris for 2 seasons.

I have been presenting in Paris before this, but one of my motives in applying to the TOKYO FASHION AWARD this time was to make wide notice of the new team. When a brand has continued for a long time, the way things are done often becomes fixed, but in facing these showrooms, I wanted to get rid of all that and restart afresh. By challenging from a completely different place, I was hoping for new connections and encounters to come about.

How was the reaction of the buyers and/or press whom came to the venue?

This is something I’ve been experiencing from before, but the points to which buyers react differs in domestic and overseas buyers. Specifically, overseas buyers tend to pick up easily comprehensive items, regardless of the price, whereas in Japanese buyers, I think there is a stronger tendency to look at clothes from a realistic point of view. In the first season (2018 A/W), I was overly conscious of this difference, and regret making too many visually comprehensive items, but in the second season (2019 S/S), we showed a collection which reverted back to the things we like. Also, in the first season we only brought men’s items, but for the second season, we were conscious of being unisex and brought part of our women’s collection, which, in some cases, led to new buyers.

Masayuki Ino



TOKYO FASHION AWARDのプログラムに参加したことは、ブランドにとってどのような経験になりましたか。


Please tell us about the triumphant return event held during Tokyo Fashion Week this past March?

I tried imagining doing a runway show, but within the limitation of showing at a hall in Shibuya Hikarie, I had difficulty building up a definite image, so I decided to do a presentation. In re-presenting the collection already announced at the January showroom, I placed importance in how to make it look new, here in Tokyo. We contemplated among ourselves, on the meaning of showing at Shibuya, so placing “Shibu-caji (Shibuya casual)” as the back theme, we were mindful in expressing the mood of Shibuya between the late 80s to early 90s while mixing in vintage wear, along with devoting ourselves to a do as little as possible way of showing, with a subtraction mentality with regards to production.

What kind of experience did the brand gain from participating the TOKYO FASHION AWARD?

We hadn’t done a presentation in Tokyo for a while, so we had lots of fun, and we have a feeling we’ve been able to refresh as a brand. And as for overseas business, this became a good opportunity to renew my feelings on needing some kind of gimmick in addition to creative abilities, in order to breakthrough one step further.

Masayuki Ino



Please tell us of your future aspirations.

As for the men’s line which we’ve been continuing for a long time, my staff and I feel we’ve built a sort of a bench mark, and we share an unspoken sense of what sort of things we need to make, so with that, I’d like to further develop the creation side. On the other hand, for our women’s line, it’s still at a starting stage, so I intend to avariciously face it with a challenging attitude. I intend to continue placing weight on transmitting overseas, but rather than ending in a preestablished harmony, I intend to keep in mind to challenge new things aggressively, placing value on leaving an impact on people overseas.



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