Introduction of the JUDGES

Select div. Director
中根 大樹
TOKYO BASE CO., LTD. TSelect div. Director
Daiki Nakane
(株)STUDIOUS(現(株)TOKYO BASE)の独立初期より新店舗の立上げ、不採算店舗の立て直し等、営業マネージャーとして活躍。
現在は2021年秋立上げの新セレクト事業 のMENS BUYERを担当。
Born at Ibaragi Prefecture in 1985.
After graduating from Sanno University, joined DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL in 2008. Joined STUDIOUS CO., LTD. (present TOKYO BASE CO., LTD.) from its becoming independent, involved in launching of new shops, rebuilding of unprofitable shops, etc., as Business Manager.
After experiencing Chief Director of Men’s in the STUDIOUS Division, appointed the Branding Director and Buyer of the present STUDIOUS.
Presently, in charge as the Men’s Buyer of their new select shop division, to be launched in the autumn of 2021.