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Winner Interview

Interview / July.30, 2019

nterview by Yuki Harada
Translation by Aiko Osaki
Photography by Yohey Goto

茅野 誉之

2シーズンにわたって、フィレンツェの「PITTI UOMO」とパリのショールーム「」でコレクションを発表するにあたり、どのような意識で臨みましたか。

以前ニューヨークでコレクションを発表した経験がありましたが、やはりパリに発表の場を移して、海外進出に本腰を入れようと考えている時期でした。ただ、単独で展示会をしても集客など難しい部分が多いと思っていたので、TOKYO FASHION AWARDに応募したという経緯があります。クリエーション面では、パリでの発表ということを特別意識することなく、これまで通りのコレクションを見せられればと考えていました。


アジア圏のバイヤーの中にはブランドのことをすでに知っている方もいて、パリのショールームには多くの方に来てもらうことができました。バイヤーの反応は、自分の予想と反して日本とさほど変わらない印象でしたが、内外価格差が生まれてしまうこともあり、プライスの部分はかなりシビアに見られました。また、メンズは初めて海外で発表しましたが、カジュアルでストリート色が強いメンズファッションの大きな流れの中で、クリーンなスタイルやラグジュアリー感のある素材使いが新鮮に感じられたのか、反応はかなり良かったです。また、ウィメンズ、メンズどちらにも言えることですが、パッと見た時にどんなブランドなのかが伝わるような見せ方をした方がバイヤーさんの興味を惹きやすいと感じたので、2回目(2020 S/S)の展示では、特にその辺りを意識してディスプレイを工夫しました。



TOKYO FASHION AWARDのプログラムに参加したことは、ブランドにとってどのような経験になりましたか。


茅野 誉之



In presenting your collection for 2 consecutive seasons at “PITTI UOMO”at Firenze and the Paris showroom“”, with what mind set did you face these?

I have experience presenting my collection at N.Y. in the past, but this came just at a time when I was thinking I should move my place of presentation to Paris and get serious about overseas developments. However, I realized there would be various difficulties going at it alone, including gather customers, and this became my motive to apply for the TOKYO FASHION AWARD. As for creative aspects, I wasn’t especially conscious about this presentation being at Paris, but rather, faced it hoping to show a collection as I always have.

How was the reaction of the buyers and press whom came to the venue?

Many buyers from Asian regions are already familiar with the brand, and thankfully, many came to the Paris showroom to visit us. Despite my expectations, I had the impression that the buyers’ reactions were not too different from what I see in Japan, but because at times there arises a difference between domestic and foreign prices, the price part was seen severely. Perhaps it was because our brands’ clean style and use of luxurious materials was perceived as being fresh in today’s big trend of casual and street tastes in men’s fashion, but although this was the first time to present my men’s collection overseas, the reaction to it was quite positive. Also, this is something that can be said for both men’s and women’s, but I felt it was important and able to attract the attention of buyers better, to present the brand in such a way that the concept or taste of the brand is conveyed in one glance. So, at the second exhibit (2020 S/S), I was especially conscious of devising a display to show my collection in such a way.

茅野 誉之

Please tell us of the triumphant return event held during fashion week Tokyo this March.

Up to now, we had only done wholesale, and because there is a limit to the number of items which can be shown at each store, I had always been interested in doing a show in which the whole world view of the brand could be conveyed. In this show, I strongly wanted to express what kind of female image, male image the clothing of our brand are created under, so I especially concentrated my efforts on casting models. I was also conscious about conveying the brand’s culture and store, which I did by having the music created by my favorite artist. Judging from what I’ve heard as the reaction to our show, I think people were able to pick up my intent to a certain degree.

What kind of experience has participating in the TOKYO FASHION AWARD Program been for the brand?

Having all sorts of people from around the world see our collection, has enabled me to be more strongly conscious of how the brand should be, and having experienced a show in Tokyo as a means of expressing the brand’s world view was a good experience. From here-on, I intend to put more effort into branding, by firmly scanning the shops which carry our clothing, whether in Japan or overseas. By participating in TFA programs this time around, I feel the next step for the brand has become clear.

Please tell us of your future aspirations.

From the start, it was our intention to continue at least 4 seasons of exhibits at Paris, aiming at having the brand acknowledged as much as possible in the first 2 seasons, but we have gradually been receiving an increase in orders and are feeling a sure reaction. So for the next two seasons, it is our intent to increase number of business partners, but I realize a continuance in holding exhibitions will be a criteria in deciding whether or not to do business with us, so with a long-term view towards the future, I think that continuing overseas presentation is the most important thing. And once our overseas wholesale reaches a certain number, I hope to do a runway show at Paris.



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