ジエダ / JieDa
藤田 宏行 / Hiroyuki Fujita
(Nov. 2018) Designer Interview
(Aug. 2019)
Designer Profile
JieDaは2007年に藤田宏行によって設立されました。 デザイナー藤田宏行は、1979年に島根県で生まれました。 約10年のファッション業界で経験を積み2007年に彼自身のコレクションのラベルJieDaを立ち上げました。 同年に島根県にセレクトショップ「KIKUNOBU」をオープンしました。KIKUNOBUは現在、東京、大阪、島根と3ショップに成長しています。 ファッションサイト「Highsnobiety」で、今後の注目のブランドとしピックアップされております。
The Japanese brand JieDa is founded by Hiroyuki Fujita. Designer Hiroyuki Fujita was born in Shimane in 1979. Having worked in the fashion industry experience almost 10years, Hiroyuki launched his own collection label JieDa in 2007. He opened his own multiple selected shop ‘KIKUNOBU’ in Tokyo at the same time. KIKUNOBU has been growing up and 3shops in Tokyo, Osaka and his hometown Shimane now. Listed as Under The Radar | 6 Upcoming Brands to Check Out This Month by Highsnobiety in 2016. Fujita finds his inspiration in Japanese culture and physical world around him. His design based on Japanese street style.
Brand Profile
JieDa has proposed a style with originality to express their own view of the world against the background of the youth culture. Is a brand name JieDa = 自枝( Jieda ) is likened the style to which itself proposed to tree. As own originality is branching, the sense that we want to send to a lot of people have been put.
Earnest doing such as exhibition activities with a view to overseas from 2017 S/S season.
Men's / Ready To Wear and others
〒153-0043 東京都目黒区東山3-3-10 大沢ビル404
404 Osawa building 3-3-10 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0043 JAPAN